Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random Update

I'll start my random updates with a webcomic from a while ago. I had this saved in a draft all ready for a post but for some reason never got around to posting it. Anyway, it's a CS joke and honestly, if you get it, it's pretty dirty. But hey, I find it funny as a CS student.


Hey everyone! Originally, this blog was set up as a way to get some extra points in my first class on Java, but I fell behind, so the blog fell into neglect. I was recently contacted by a company called Wizpert. Their mission is to connect people who need help on various things with experts that can help them. I think it's pretty neat, and it doesn't seem to be a scam or anything, so I've joined up with them. You'll now find a button to get in touch with me through Wizpert. Feel free to talk to me if you need help with Java, video games, the Internet, or technology in general. I'll also try to update the blog a little more these days.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lecture (Oct. 25)

Today, we had a lot of good quotes from Pops. A LOT of good ones.

Pops was talking about objects and classes.
"Inside here - well, I haven't opened it yet, so I hope it's in here - is a Rice Krispy Treat. Or at least there had better be, 'cause I paid a buck and a quarter for it. ... And, ya know, if you eat it, it tastes good. That's a behavior! And this..." *points to recipe* "...is NOT a Rice Krispy Treat! It's a class!"

“Ya know, you can build multiple houses with a single blueprint. In Java, you'd just say new house! I mean, it's not that easy, but I mean...yeah.”

“See, it's not software, and I'm not good at hardware.” -Pops, after failing to fly a paper airplane

“Call it something indicative of what it does. Don't call it Afghanistan. It's not! It's a point!” -Pops, on names of objects

Anyway, I've got a good feeling about objects.

Lab 8

This week in the lab, we dealt with 2D arrays. The first four problems were quite easy, and WH and I flew through them in a half hour at most. The last problem, however, kicked our asses. We sat there for at least an hour trying to figure it out, when Trick Master came by and mentioned that he did it using four Booleans and five "if" statements. He prodded us a little more and we finally got it. Turns out we were just overthinking it, like we tend to do.

Lecture (Oct. 30)

So today, we learned about constructors and what they do, which is pretty much that they initialize variables in an object. That's basically it. What was really fun about this particular lecture was the video for today and Pops' quote towards the end.
In the YouTube video of the day, we learned that if you want to enhance your computer's wireless range, wrap a cell phone in Ethernet cable and plug an end into your computer. You can make an aluminum foil "satellite dish" to enhance it further.

Wisdom from Pops:
The last thing you want is for someone to reach into your object and mess around with your privates! You're all objects, so I'm sure you can relate to that. If you want someone to mess around with your private parts, go ahead and make 'em public! And there /are/ reasons you'd want to be able to mess around with private parts...” - Pops, on why to make your variables private.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lab 7

This week in the lab, WH and I spent way too much time on a single problem because we were over-thinking it so much. It kinda comparatively kicked our asses, to be honest. Our Trick Master helped us simplify it a lot. We were still able to finish the entire lab, so that's good. Actual post to follow.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lecture (Oct. 18)

Today, we basically learned that you can make a bunch of references to the same object (say, a HashMap or an ArrayList) and if you change anything about the object through any reference, all of the others see it too. This is probably going to trip us up somewhere anyway, but at least it's in our notes so we can maybe find it at some point.

Other Stuff:

I am making a Pokedex of sorts using a large TreeMap with string keys and long string data entries in Java. It's gonna be super awesome, but it'll take for-frakking-ever.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal!
Heh. Boob joke.

Trial of the Clone!
So, Zach Weiner, of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, made a super nerdy choose-your-own-adventure book called Trial of the Clone. I'm not entirely sure what the main story is, but I backed it on Kickstarter and I'm getting a signed paperback copy of the book, a signed postcard with art from the book, a flowchart poster of the whole book and an audiobook narrated by Wil Wheaton!